Ho finito l'application alle 23.57 del giorno della deadline(giorno in cui bisognava consegnarla).
Naturalmente è venuta un po' male e ho un po' confuso le cose come mio solito.
Ad esempio dovevo mandare un modulo firmato dalla scuola e ho scansionato solo la prima pagina perché (tutt'ora) non l'ho portato in segreteria.
Anzi, io, a dir la verità,l'avrei portato: è stata la mia (stupida) professoressa di inglese a gridarmi contro che dovevo darlo a lei e,che poi, mi ha sbattuto fuori dalla segreteria.
La odio.
è troppo stupida e almeno conoscesse un po' di inglese la sopporterei, ma il suo inglese è a questo livello: 'Open the porta',
'Close the finestra... e pure l'autra' in perfetto stile siciliano.
Infatti durante le interrogazioni ci ridiamo in faccia a vicenda: io per qualche strafalcione in inglese che ha appena commesso, lei perché mi odia.
O mi ride in faccia o mi insulta.
Però è divertentissimo.
La prendo in giro continuamente e comunque, alla fine, non mi abbassa mai il voto.
Che cucciola!
Vi dico soltanto che l'altra volta mi ha insultato quindici minuti perché ridevo mentre spiegava (stava leggendo (e pure una cosa sbagliata) dal suo libro) e mi ha corretto 'I made a cake' con 'I did a cake' dicendo che made era un errore madornale.
Non sapevo se ridere o piangere.
Comunque, ritornando al discorso iniziale, l'unica cosa che mi piace della mia application, forse, è la lettera alla Host Family, così se, per favore, non prendete troppo spunto (leggasi: copiate) ve la metto qui sotto:
Dear host family,
I would like to write many things, but I don’t know where to start.
By the way, my name is Laura, I’m sixteen and I live in Messina, a city in Sicily.
I attend a very difficult school where I study Latin and ancient Greek, but even if I always say that it would have been better if I had chosen another school, I really love that school.
I’m just joking because I love making fun.
I also love reading books, in fact I spend most of my free time doing it.
I’m keen on literature, and my favourite book is The Picture of Dorian Grey.
Sometimes I make cakes, because I’m a sweet tooth and I love making birthday cake for my mum, I like both chocolate and my mum’s smile when she sees it.
Many of my friends describe me as a dreamer.
I don’t know if I am a dreamer or not, I just want a world without wars or violence, poverty, homelessness nor corruption and I think that it’s possible.
Difficult, but possible.
I would love to help the world.
It’s a big thing, I know, but I don’t want to do special things, just a brick in the wall.
Because of this aspect of my character, I trust everyone, but I think that I have to change that, it’s dangerous, it would be better if I was a wary person.
I love travelling, discovering new cultures, new places and I love to meet new friends of different customs.
And I don’t know exactly what I will do in the future but I’d like to be a journalist, like Oriana Fallaci or a lawyer, I’m not sure yet.
I’m very open-minded, but sometimes I’m so lazy and moody.
I love my bed! I can’t help it, watching TV series on the sofa with some chocolate is my heaven place.
I have a particular sense of humour that not everyone loves, but, I swear, the most intelligent people do.
Anyway, in Messina, I love skating with my rollerblades with my friends, around the city.
My friends are one of the most important things in my life, they are a shoulder to cry on.
I also rely on my family, on my parents, Salvatore and Titti, on my brother Marco, and in particular on my eldest brother, Filippo.
I’m very close with him.
Next year he is going to go to Milan to study at the university and I cannot imagine my home without him, I’ll miss him so much.
He supports my decision to spend some time abroad and this is very important to me.
I chose to study in Scotland because two years ago I went to Edinburgh with my family and I loved that city, the castle, the medieval streets, the evocative atmosphere and I thought “ I’m in a fairy tail”.
Many times people ask me why I want to study abroad: surely I want to improve my English but I also want to grow up and prove myself.
I hope I will be a good host-daughter, and so I want to help you in the housework and in whatever you prefer! I’d like to share with you a good experience and create a beautiful friendship.
I’d like to hang out with you: for example, cooking together, watching TV, doing shopping, or just talking about this and that. Could be a perfect way to spend the time!
I’d like to know all the legends and the myths about Scotland, and I will be very happy if you would like to share them with me!
I’m very intrigued about the Chapel of Rosslyn and the Templars and all the Scottish stories.
And I will be very joyful to tell you something about the Italian life, the customs and whatever you like! I want to say that I will be very grateful if you offered me this opportunity and I hope that you will like this experience with me,
Sincerely yours,
Mi piacerebbe moltissimo se mi diceste cosa ne pensate di questa lettera o che commentiate qua sotto qualcosa, davvero.
Non credo ci sia nient'altro di interessante da dire, anche perché l'application è stata abbastanza noiosa e lunga, quindi vi abbraccio e aspetto i vostri commenti,
a presto,